Thursday, October 11, 2012


     I haven’t really talked about the presidential debate at all.  Everyone has been talking about how thought that Romney completely trounced Obama.  The impression that I got was that Romney barely edged out Obama on the issues.  Most of the analysis was that Romney seemed more forward and confident, but I really think that that Nixon/Kennedy stuff is shallow and unimportant.  Still, the pragmatist in me is happy that everyone, including many liberals, are handing this to Mitt.  I certainly don’t want Obama to get reelected, and if perception makes his ouster a reality, good.
     Surprisingly, there is one thing you that liberals are trying to get Romney busted for, and it was saying that he would cut funding to PBS, despite his admiration for Big Bird.  Now, I like Sesame Street as much as the next dragon, but it’s certainly marketable enough to survive without Big Brother’s help.   Now you’d think that pundits would be using “Big Bird” as a synecdoche for public television in general, that they’re focusing on less marketable and more sophisticated artistic offerings from public television, but much of the chatter I’ve heard is going in depth about Sesame Street itself.  I guess that’s no accounting for taste.    This is hilarious.  By resorting to paint Romney as a blue meanie who wants to rob the world of Big Bird, the democrats, including Obama himself, are hoping that voters care more about a children’s show than the economy.  I thought I’d be hearing more about Romney’s unapologetic rejection of green policies during the debate.  This is nothing more than pure desperation, and it’s just hilarious, especially when you consider that the producers of the show have refused to take issue in the fiasco.  Now the foolishness and wonkery isn’t confined to The Left.  I’ve read conservatives respond to this important issue by coming up with contrived reasons that Sesame Street is somehow bad for our culture.  Seriously, what is the problem that right-wing pundits have with charming, innocent children’s shows?

Oh well.   I’m looking forward to watching tonight’s debate between Ryan and Biden.  That’ll be like watching a man getting the shit kicked out of him by a kangaroo for a couple hours.         

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