Sunday, February 21, 2021

Star Wars and Star Trek Characters Ranked

My combined list of Star Wars and Star Trek characters ranked.  I bundled the two in order to get an idea for how the two franchises compare.  I admit that I did rank some based on cool factor rather than characterization, but whatever.  See also: my multiple reviews in regards to the two long-running, venerable franchises. 

96. BB-8

95. Moff Jerjerodd

94. Admiral Piett

93. D-O

92. Boba Jett

91. Nagilum

90. Sybok

89. Julian Bashir - honorable mention to the Changling Bashir

88. Thomas Riker

87Chekhov - has his moments but I mostly like Walter Koenig (his Babylon 5 character is better)

86. Bail Organa

85. Morn

84. Zek

83. Ishka

82. Jango Fett

81. The Client

80. Martok

79. Durge

78. V'ger

77. Bec Lawise - rare evidence of the "heroes on both sides" statement

76. Uncle Owen

75. Kor

74. DJ

73. Quark

72. Lwaxana Troi

71. Counselor Troi

70. Uhura

69. R2-D2 and C-3PO

68. Shinzon

67. Female Changeling

66. Weyoun

65: Cabrool Nuum

64. Captain Janeway - mostly due to Kate Mulgrew's performance

63. Annorax

62. Captain Picard -  One of my favorite honorable villains

61. Kivos Fajo - mostly for Saul Rubinek's performance

60. Vlagro

59. Kurn

58. Nog

57. That Mon Calamari in the Cardigan


55. Scotty

54. Captain Sisko

53. Fat Klingon Who Plays the Accordion

52. Moralo Eval

51. Guri

50. Osi Sobeck

49. Wilhuff

48. Admiral Motti

47. The Clown

46. Dooku

45. Lady Valarian

44. Sabine Wren

43. Kylo Ren - at least when he still had potential

42. Gowron

41. Riva (and his surrogates)

40. O'Brien

39. Kuiil

38. Zsinj 

37. Admiral Screed

36. T-Series Tactical Droids

35. Those Two Scouttroopers - until they had to go full cringe with the stormtrooper aim joke

34. Cad Bane - I love Corey Burton's voice work 

33. Benedict Cumberbatch

32. Spock

31. Kira Nerys

30. Bones

29. Chewie - his roar is one of the most endearing sound effects in movie history

28. Khan (Ricardo Montalban


26. The Overlookers - they're a bunch of chubby lovables.  They're perfect.

25. Riker

24. Worf

23. Odo

22. Rex

21. Nute Gunray - A rare pure asshole villain and amusingly petty

20. General Grievous (Canon)

19. Tomalak

18. Lando 

17. Jabba the Hutt Jabba the Hutt comics, he's a total dumbass in the movies

16. Damar

15. Princess Leia

14. Han Solo

13. Obi-Wan Kenobi - preferably Ewan McGregor

12. Captain Kirk

11. Luke Skywalker

10. The Doctor

9. Director Krennic

8. Q

7. Gul Dukat

6. Sheev

5. General Grievous (GCW)

4. Data

3. Aamin Marritza

2. Elim Garak

1. Darth Vader

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