Saturday, March 3, 2018

MLP Episode Reviews, Pt. 3

“The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone”
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Episode 5:8
May 23, 2015
Pros: Brings back a character, expands universe, good lesson, addresses problems of previous episode
Cons: Possibly starred wrong pony, disappointing depiction of griffons

       “The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone” brings back a relatively popular minor character, Gilda (Marÿke Hendrikse), much like “Magic Duel” did before it with Trixie.  Like “Magic Duel” this episode seems to realize that their respective characters were arguably designated villains and tries to address the issue.  I find myself somewhat sympathetic to Gilda in “Griffon the Brush Off.”  Her treatment of Fluttershy was wrong, but she wanted to connect with an old friend only to find that that friend found new and improved friends and was now less sensitive to her anger management problems.  Considering I’ve been going through something like that, I’m happy to see the show bring her back and depict her in a more sympathetic light.    
        While it’s a good episode, my main problem is that makes Pinkie Pie the protagonist who accompanies Rainbow Dash to Griffonstone.  This is a seemingly logical attempt at continuity since Pinkie was the focus of “Griffon the Brush Off.”  However, since that episode, it has been established (in “Cute Mark Chronicles,” I believe) that Fluttershy and Rainbow have been close friends since fillyhood.  Yes, it’s a retcon, but it’s a retcon I like.  Therefore it would be more meaningful and logical if Fluttershy ended up helping Gilda reconcile with Rainbow and they accepted each other as a trio of best friends.  This reconciliation would have more meaning because Gilda hurt Fluttershy’s feelings in “GtB” more than anyone else’s.  It would also have provided a good opportunity for Fluttershy to face her fears.
        On the other hand, there are arguments for Pinkie's presence.  Pinkie's efforts to make Gilda feel welcome in "GtB" inadvertently ending her friendship with Rainbow.  This allows Pinkie to redeem herself for the mistake, while providing Gilda with an opportunity to forgive Pinkie.   
        Another slightly annoying thing about this episode is how Griffonstone was depicted.  Many people  assumed that the griffons were a proud warrior society, but in this episode they’ve been revealed to live in a wasteland of apathy.  I suppose after having an episode about the ponies’ fighting a communist dictatorship, it makes sense to show some balance with a visit to an ancap ghetto to show there’s an opposite extreme.  It can still be a bit irksome when jossing is passed off as some kind of twist.      
        The episode begins with Pinkie Pie baking in Gummy’s presence.  When her cutie mark flashes, she goes to the Friendship Map to meet Twilight and Rainbow.  Twilight reveals that the Map is summoning Pinkie and Rainbow to Griffonstone.  After Twilight expresses disappointment that she wasn’t summoned, Pinkie asks her to come, but she is too admirably responsible to go without the Map’s orders.  Pinkie has a point, though.  It’s not like Twilight never goes on vacation or anything.  Rainbow rather offensively opines that the griffons are all jerks because of Gilda’s behavior in the previous episode, “especially to Pinkie.”  Rainbow’s POV aside, it was Fluttershy that Gilda was meanest to.   They don’t know much about what happened in Griffonstone since a certain history book was written about it.  You’d think ponies would be somewhat curious about what happens in foreign countries.  Luckily, the griffons still use the same form of currency as the ponies.
       When Pinkie and Rainbow arrive at Griffonstone, they’re shocked to find it in ruins.  They meet Gilda briefly, and learn from an older griffon (Brian Ian Cox) that the Idol of Boreas, which once united the Griffons in pride and motived them to be a great people, was lost when a monster tried to steal it (the stylized art used in the motionless flashbacks is nice).  Rainbow decides to do the obvious and fly into a chasm to retrieve it while Pinkie stays in the town to figure out a way to help the locals through friendship.  There’s a subtle callback to Pinkie’s Smile Song, and I agree with Pinkie that it should even make the griffons grin.  I’m a sad sack myself, and it’s definitely one of my favorite songs in major key. Unfortunately, Rainbow ends up stuck in the chasm with a broken leg. 
       Pinkie talks to Gilda, showing her how to make better scones by using baking powder.  Her attempts to chew the unimproved version result in some of my favorite facial expressions in the show.
 When Gilda impulsively helps an acquaintance and demonstrates that she’s a good person deep down, Pinkie calls her out, but she denies it.  When Gilda makes a passing reference to Rainbow, Pinkie remembers that Dash has been gone too long, and goes looking for her.  Finding out she’s trapped, she talks Gilda into helping.  Remembering when Rainbow was a friend for her when she was lonely and unpopular, Gilda agrees.  They rappel down the chasm and when they all fall farther down, Gilda finds the lost Idol of Boreas.  Tempted to grab it, she decides not to in order to save her friends.  When they return to the Griffonstone, Gilda resolves to promote cooperation between the griffons so that they can become of a great society again.  This time they have something more substantial to base in on than an idol.
          It’s not a bad episode.  It’s entertaining enough.  Brings back a good character, and it has a good lesson.  It’s also nice to see Pinkie’s showing some wisdom that solves the problem, which isn’t usually the case.  


PINKIE: Oh my gosh, my Cutie Mark!  GASP…you know what this means?!  [closes in on Gummy and whispers]…..the Map.  [Gummy licks her face]

RAINBOW: And why do you care so much about griffons anyway?
TWILIGHT: It was actually Gilda’s visit that made me curious, so I picked up Bygone Griffons of Greatness and I’ve been hooked ever since.  And now…[sigh]... now you two get to see Griffonstone with your very own eyes.
PINKIE: Huh?  Just me and Rainbow Dash?
RAINBOW: Hey, you can totally take my place if you want.  I still have half a nap to finish. 
PINKIE: Why don’t you just come with us?  I mean you are the Princess of Friendship.
TWILIGHT: No, no.  If the Map wanted me to go to the coolest kingdom in all of Equestria, and tour the palace, and see the actual idol that unites an entire species, which would be super amazing, I’m sure it would have said so. 

TWILIGHT: You two can handle the issue is just fine.  I’ll stay here and do important princessy things…I guess.

[reading Twilights impromptu guide to Griffonstone]
RAINBOW: It’s like Twilight herself in book form. [imitates Twlight’s voice and hair] “Always carry plenty of bits.  The griffons are sure to help you as long as you share the wealth.”
[sees Pinkie give the train attendant a huge bag of money for an absurd amount of candy]
PINKIE: …uh, can I borrow some bits? 

[sees statue of King Grover]
PINKIE: It’s sad what happened to your town, King.  But Rainbow Dash can’t be right.  This can’t all be because of a missing hunk of gold.  [moving the statue’s loose jaw] “You’re right, Pinkie, and you’ve got amazing hair.”

PINKIE: I know what Griffonstone needs!
GILDA: Fewer ponies?
PINKIE: I’ve got a super song about smiling that’s sure to make even the most grumpy griffon grin! [inhales]
GILDA: Can’t sing here.  [points to an anti-singing sign]
PINKIE: But how do you break into uplifting musical numbers with no singing?
GILDAS: Yeah, that’s Griffonstone’s biggest problem.  Lack of uplifting musical numbers.

GILDA: We don’t have friends here.  [sigh]  I did have a friend once, but you saw how that turned out.

GILDA: Hang on, loser, I’m coming!
RAINBOW: What took you so long, doofus?

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