Wednesday, September 18, 2024

St. Richards - Jackson, MS

I think I might have been born at an awkward age in which I'm nostalgic for some forms of modern architecture. One big reason I have a soft spot for Brutalism is the church I went to while I was a small child: St. Richard's Catholic Church in Jackson. I tend to think the style works for churches if it evokes the look of an ancient temple, and this church is not exception. During a recent trip I took some beauty shots.

St. Richard's, with a strangely appropriate-looking car. 

The church is accessed via a bridge, which is pretty interesting.

This place looks legit. 

I remember standing on my toes as a kid looking over these.

Interestingly, the flanks of the church are brick.

Tried to rotate this, but turns out there was no right answer on this angle.

Interesting minimalist tabernacle.

One of the Stations of the Cross. They may have taken the minimalism a bit far.

Less-than-stellar crucifix. Apparently now hanging over the altar.

I think this is from the school.

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