Friday, August 24, 2012

I Like Zaxby's Better Anyway.

NOTE: I am mostly using the term “liberal” out of convenience.  I’m not lumping all liberals in with these internet liberals whose fanaticism I disapprove of.

     Before I get decried as a homophobe (which, according to the internet, is worse than being a zoophilic Nazi child molester), I must point out that I have no personal objection to homosexuals.  Considering my own various kinks and fetishes, it would be pretty hypocritical if I did.  I do not oppose gay rights.  I believe in Separation of Church and State, and I don’t think defining marriage as a heterosexual institution is the government’s business.  But, oh wait, a chicken restaurant chain DISAGREES WITH ME?  Somebody declare Martial Law!
     Yes, everybody’s been following the Chik Fil-A controversy now.  After its president Dan Cathy publicly stated the company does not support Gay Marriage, many liberals got offended.  Their resultant boycott backfired hilariously.  There’s nothing wrong with boycotting something on ideological grounds or a company pulling its support of another for the same reason, but it’s funny just how bad these people are at it.  When gay rights advocates overhyped their boycott, they apparently forgot that this a divisive issue and calling attention to the fact that Chik Fil-A has taken a position on it will encourage many people to support the chain.  It certainly doesn’t help when you angst about how good you think the food actually is.
     Part of me finds this quite amusing.  The fact that liberals’ apparent love for something conflicts with their ideology just makes me feel warm and happy inside.  This is because I, as a conservative fanboy, am cursed by the fact that nearly every damn artist out there whose work I admire is completely incompatible with me ideologically.  With a few comforting exceptions (like Sam Raimi), most of the celebrities that do agree with me are worthless.  Liberals need to know the sting of a Hollywood letdown.  They deserve that pain.
     As I said before, I don’t have a problem with someone boycotting Chik Fil-A; that’s their First Amendment right.  However, the Left crossed the line when mayors like Rahm Emmanuel announced that they would not even allow Chik Fil-A to open restaurants in their cities.  Libertarian attitudes toward gay marriage suddenly become less relevant when its advocates begin to encroach on the more vital right of Free Speech.
     Not only is that happening, but some of these activists are even trashing restaurants and intimidating employees.  I guess this inconsideration toward these poor people isn’t unsurprising.  I hate listening to people bitch about how Chik Fil-A is closed on Sundays.  Heaven forbid some overworked and underpaid member of the service industry gets one day off when you want your damn chicken fix. 
     What makes me even angrier is when you consider similar past events and observe the hypocrisy of these people.  Remember about a year ago when the Susan G. Komen for the Cure announced that it was no longer going to fund Planned Parenthood, and many liberals threw a tantrum?  A bipartisan charity group decided that it was no longer going to support a divisive cause.  After all, wouldn’t it be unethical to give money to a foundation your donors may be reluctant to support, and wouldn’t it compromise your stated mission?  The Komen group made a logical ethical choice, and these leftists boycotted them, demonstrating that they apparently cared more about abortion than curing a deadly disease.  I hate how some people have to have their cake and eat it too.  Yeah, it’s not enough for them that a group doesn’t oppose their cause; they have to support it.  Funny how these people would boycott a chicken company for taking a side on an issue when they boycotted another entity for doing the exact fucking opposite.  
     Let’s not forget that time when a lot of people got offended by this yummy looking Oreo.  Predictably, those people were mocked for boycotting a food product that disagreed with them….by people who are now boycotting a food product for disagreeing with them.  I love how liberals think that the rules they set for the other side don’t apply to them.  Sure, you might say, “But it’s different because WE’RE  THE GOOD GUYS.”  Well, yeah, that’s what every hypocrite thinks.
Ironically, I’m actually not that big a fan of Chik Fil-A.  It’s ok, but I never understood the fascination for it and I never thought it was anything special.  Personally, I always preferred Zaxby’s sublime buffalo chicken tenders.  I’m probably not going to go out of my way patronize Chik Fil-A, but I won’t boycott it.  I may sympathize with liberals in the war over gay rights, but this is a battle they do not deserve to win.

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