Friday, January 23, 2015

Upcoming Movies - 2015

A list of the movies coming out this year that I’m looking forward to and those I’m not.  I’m afraid I’ll have to wait until next year for Zootopia and Captain America: Civil War, though.  I think I can be forgiven for not listing smaller movies that are not hyped as much until they come out.


Feb. 6
D: The Wachowskis
I like a good space opera, and this one has both Sean Bean and awesome (but sadly not fat) dragon people.  The trailer doesn’t look that good, but I’ve always found the Wachowskis to be fun and they’ve yet to let me down.  Sue me, I liked Matrix: Revolutions and Speed Racer.  It was bad.  I never thought I'd say this, but it was actually more boring than Avatar.  (2/10)

May 15
D: George Miller
It seems to have CGI, but it’s well executed.  The cinematography and design look good.  The movie has a great B-Movie aesthetic to it.  I usually think that these 80’s nostalgia films are a bad idea, but the trailer looks excellent

June 19
D: Pete Docter
It’s been five years since Pixar released a great movie, and that was followed by one mediocre film, one decent film and one middling one.  It completely took a break last year in order to recharge its creative juices, and more power to them for that.  They’re about due for another truly original film, which this seem to be.  The trailer looks hilarious.

Hotel Transylvania 2
September 25
D: Genndy Tartakovsky
Probably for the same reason a conservative might attend a gay friend's wedding.  I don't necessarily approve, but I want to support for Tartakovsky.  Also because I like the werewolves because I'm a piece of furry trash.

Nov. 6
D: Sam Mendes
The Daniel Craig Bonds seem to have the best track record of the series (3 for 0, and yes, I liked Quantum of Solace).  It will be exciting to see the franchise going back to its roots with better hindsight.  Still, I’m starting to think that Chrisoph Waltz’s villains are getting played out, great as he is.  This fan-made trailer is pretty good.

Nov. 13
D: Quentin Tarantino
It’s a Quentin Tarantino film, so I’m obviously already sold.  Still, I wish he’d branch out more considering he already made a Western last time.  I’d like to see him make a Buck Rogers-like space opera.

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay 2
Nov. 20
D: Francis Lawrence
I liked the previous ones, so I’m seeing this.  I’m hurt about Philip Seymour Hoffman, but look at the bright side: he gets an above-average tribute movie.

Dec. 18
D: J.J. Abrams
Despite the easily-mocked excitement over this trailer, it doesn’t show much aside from the potentially intriguing stormtrooper.  I’m open to the idea of its being a good movie, but then again the new Star Trek movies aren’t a good sign.  Star Wars has a place in my heart, and I have very high expectations for it.  When it first came out, it revolutionized film, but this is just another safe pre-sold adaptation to add to the pile.  I can think of few things that summarize the banality of modern films than the fact that the new Star Wars and Star Treks are being made by the same guy.  I'll probably see it with my dad. 


Jan. 16
D: Michael Mann
Michael Mann is one of the best action directors, and this movie has been getting praised by hackers for its rare accuracy on the subject.  However, the critical reception suggests that this may be Miami Vice (2006) all over again. It was ok. (7/10)

Jan. 23
D: David Koepp
It’s been panned by critics, but I’ve learned to take their advice with a grain of salt.  Still, I don’t feel like watching too many movies this month, so this might wait until video.

Jan. 16
D: Sean McNamara
Another nice-looking movie that can apparently wait until video.

May 22
D: Brad Bird
I’m not a fan of George Clooney, and Damon Lindelorf’s involvement is a bad sign.  Still, I love Brad Bird and the premise looks promising.  I just wish Bird would get back to animated movies.  Still, he seems to be really trying to make sure he has something great for Incredibles 2, and I respect that.

April 3
D: Jams Wan
I haven’t seen any of these movies, but I love car chases, and, despite my dislike for Saw, James Wan is a good director.  Oh, who am I kidding, I'm not going out of my way to see this.

The Fantastic Four
Aug. 7
D: Josh Trank
Ok, I know nothing about this, and there is no trailer, but this is a story due for a reboot.  I want Doctor Doom done right.

Oct. 2
D: Robert Zemeckis
The cinematography does a great job of triggering my acrophobia.  This might actually be worth seeing in 3D. 

The Good Dinosaur
Nov. 25
D: Peter Sohn
Another potentially promising movie from Pixar.

Dec. 4
D: Michael Dougherty
I know little about this movie, but this is an idea that’s long overdue for a movie.


Feb. 6
D: Paul Tibbit
On principle I dislike the idea of Spongebob in 3D, but the animation looks surprisingly appealing.  However, I’m long past my Spongebob phase.

March 16
D: Neill Blomkamp
Sorry, Neill Blomkamp, but you’re 0 for 2, and I don’t intend to see this movie.

May 1
D: Joss Whedon
The trailer looks like it will be much more epic than the first movie, but they design trailers to mislead you like that.  James Spader’s Ultron looks very menacing, and he is a classic villain.  I like the trailer music.  I'm probably not going to see it in theaters.  One of its cast members is absolutely disgusting, and I also don't think Whedon is a terribly gifted visual director.  I mostly liked the first Avengers for its banter and found the visuals bland.

June 12
D: Colin Trevorrow
I’m not that big a fan of the Jurassic Park movies in the first place.  If they’re going to make a new movie, I’d much rather see an R-Rated book-faithful version directed by Danny Boyle or David Slade.  With John Murphy doing the score.

June 26
D: Pierre Coffin, Kyle Balda
I didn’t understand the popularity of these movies.

D: July 1
Alan Taylor
Another needless sequel to a series that should have been put down a long time ago (Salvation was okay, though).  This time, they’re undoing the whole original story!  Actual animals were considered for the role of Kyle Reese, but were rejected because producers thought they looked too much like Michael Biehn.  I also see that Hollywood is not over its love affair with wrecking perfectly good Dodge Monacos.  I like the trailer music, though.   


Feb. 13
D: Sam Taylor-Johnson
Do I even have to explain this one?  I’m embarrassed for Danny Elfman’s doing the score for this movie.

Feb. 20
D: Steve Pink
I seem to be in the minority, but I hated Hot Tub Time Machine.  It was symptomatic of a time when we mistake mean-spirited bile for comedy.

March 13
D: Kenneth Branagh
Another bland live-action remake of an animated classic, but unlike the disappointing Maleficent this doesn’t have a charismatic and well-cast actress to sell it.  This is especially bad since Cinderella had some of the most beautiful and distinctive scenery I’ve seen in an animated movie.

Ted 2
June 26
D: Seth MacFarlane
Due to my dislike of Seth MacFarlane and everything he does, I did not see the last movie.  I won't see this one either.

July 17
D: Peyton Reed
This is where I’m taking a stand on the superhero movies.  The trailer looks underwhelming (complete with bad meta one-liners!), and the idea of relegating the original hero to a father figure to the new protagonist never works.  Also, I do not like Adam McKay, and his writing the movie confirms that I do not want to see it.  The costume looks good, though.

Point Break
July 31
D: Ericson Core
I’ve learned the hard way never to subject oneself to a movie written, but not directed by, Kurt Wimmer.  He’s a fun director and he should be getting more work in that field, but he frequently writes bland, hackish remakes of cheesy classics like this.  Such is Hollywood.

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