Sunday, September 17, 2017

Darren Aronofsky Movies Ranked

Darren Aronofsky is known for his intense style, themes of obsession/addiction, and frequent collaboration with Clint Mansell.  His movies have always been a bit of a mindscrew, but unfortunately he’s been slipping lately as he’s gotten into subject matter he’s not quite good at commenting on.  Considering what I’ve heard about Mother! (which I don’t intend to go see), he’s getting worse about making pretentious dreck, especially when religion is involved.  I think it’s safe to call him a fallen creator.

6. Noah
I know we’re pretty much a Post-Christian society now, but it doesn’t seem like it’s been that way for so long.  You’d think most nonbelieving filmmakers would at least have a basic grasp of Judeo-Christian theology, but they keep making these movies that demonstrate they don’t understand Abrahamic religion any more than Ralph Wiggum.  This absurd movie is a prime example of this trend.  This movie’s probably the reason I thought twice before committing to see Mother!

5. Black Swan
I thought this movie was a bit clumsy.  It was about how artists, particularly ballerinas, can become consumed by their work, but it exaggerates it to the point of farce.  Especially since it treats ballet the same thing Requiem for a Dream treats drug addiction.

4. Pi
Atmospheric and wonderfully disturbing.  One of Aronofsky’s themes is obsession, and this movie does it well.

3. The Wrestler
Aronofsky takes a break from his usual style and makes a straightforward drama.  Maybe a bit disappointing if you’re expecting a visually stylish mindscrew, but it’s a good movie.


2. The Fountain
An underrated masterpiece.  More honest in its symbolism than his lesser works and the visuals are astounding. 

1. Requiem for a Dream
A disturbing look at drug addiction.  Aronofsky uses his stylistic strengths to maximize the horror of the situation.  Clint Mansell’s score is excellent, as well.


Average: 6.7

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