Friday, July 4, 2014

Least Favorite Movies of 1997

So, 1997 seemed to be a bad year for movies.  In fact, the bad movies I’ve seen outnumber the good ones.  People say today's movies are bad, but...

11. The Fifth Element
D: Luc Besson
I think this movie was just another example of the Sci-fi Slump of the 90’s.  They wasted Gary Oldman on a villain who was annoying and had baffling motivation, and I found the visual style tacky.  I see the appeal, though.  It’s got some funny moments, but it’s a style-over-substance movie whose style I don’t like.  


10. Anastasia
D: Don Bluth, Gary Goldman
It’s funny how Don Bluth left Disney because he thought they were making the same films over and over and then eventually makes the same movie Disney was making over and over.  It’s also funny how this was a far bigger critical and commercial success than Cats Don’t Dance, and that movie is now far more respected among animation fans.  The formulaic story is bad enough, but the implication that Russian citizens revolted against the czar because they were brainwashed by a wizard as opposed to having actual problems is extremely offensive.  At least the movie has good animation and some really good songs.

9. The Postman
D: Kevin Costner
A bland movie with some brief moments.


8. The Lost World: Jurassic Park
D: Steven Spielberg
Insulting and stupid sequel to a nostalgic classic.  Has little to do with the book.  But then again, the book was the result of Crichton being pressured into a sequel by Spielberg and fans and features Dodgson and two random guys trying to follow up their clever plan in the original by personally stealing dinosaur eggs.

7. Batman & Robin
D: Joel Schumacher
While I do prefer the darker Batman, I would have appreciated the campy interpretation more if the jokes were actually funny like they were in the 1966 movie.  It’s funny how we were fine with Batman Forever despite its obvious mediocrity, and then suddenly turned on this movie.  Kinda like when people who liked “Transformers” acted surprised that Revenge of the Fallen was so bad.

6. Spawn
D: Mark A.Z. Dippe
A foolish movie with some terrible CGI.

5. The Relic
D: Peter Hyams
Late 90’s monster movie.  Bafflingly, the movie was actually #1 at the box office, and critics like Siskel, Ebert and Maltin gave it a pass for some reason.  At least Stan Winston made some good creature effects for it.


4. Anaconda
D: Luis Llosa
Infamously cheesy movie with some bad CGI.


3. Con Air
D: Simon West
While having some fun, cheesy moments of Nicolas Cage being himself, it was a pretty awful movie.  The hero’s sentence would never have happened except maybe in Oregon, and then there was Steve Buscemi’s character arc.  A serial child murderer, he’s arguably the most evil person on that plane and yet we’re supposed to have some connection with him just because he’s not involved with the plot and he’s Steve Buscemi (which granted granted, makes him hard to hate).  He gets a happy ending thanks to a redemption that’s even more forced and nonsensical than Princess Luna’s.

2. Alien: Resurrection
D: Jean-Pierre Jeunet
A pretentious mess that lacks even Alien3’s virtues.  A waste of a good cast which includes Michael Wincott, Ron Perlman and Brad Dourif.  I’m not even sure if we’re supposed to sympathize with that disgusting newborn alien, but I would be insulting if we were.  Jeunet is an amusingly quirky director, but he was a poor choice for this franchise.

1. Titanic
D: James Cameron
This is why I hate the Academy Awards.  Because James Cameron showed ingenuity and skill in making Terminator, Terminator 2 and Aliens and this…this is what he gets an Oscar for!  Stupid, shallow bulls—t genre bias at its finest.  It’s one of those instances where my feelings on a movie are exasperated by other people’s reaction toward it.  It has everything wrong with a Disney princess cartoon without the style or fun.  This is an insulting, offensive and formulaic “historical” love triangle film, and yet its fans act like its Citizen f—king Kane.  It may not be the worst movie, but it’s certainly not good, and the only things going for it are evolutionary CGI and great set design.  It’s unsurprising that Avatar wasn’t very good, but it was still better than this.

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